Las Vegas 2022

Lightning Talk: Always be mentoring and learning

Fun, thought-provoking, emotionally resonating talks presented by members of the DevOps community.

Hosted by Topo Pal and Jason Cox.

Presented by Sleuth


Steve Thomas

Sr. Manager DevOps, Verizon





And go. Okay, so I've done some stuff, um, but the most recent thing I've done is work on Project Athena. Project Athena is an apprenticeship program at Verizon. Um, and Athena is the goddess of strategy and wisdom. But let me show you a real goddess. Jacqueline Damiano, her strategy was to talk to anybody who will listen. She talked to board members, executives across all the business units, got leadership line up, up and down the ladder to make this thing happen. She is a goddess. Oh, she also asked me to, she couldn't be here. She asked me to hug everybody because she misses you. That ain't gonna happen. But what's the business case for businesses? 44 of the Fortune 500 companies are led by females. Those 44 kick the financial butts of the other 500. If diversity works for leadership, why can't we do it for the rest of our company? But what about the business case for apprentices? Okay, I could send my kids to college for four years, 80 to $120,000, and they're loaded with debt. Or they take an apprenticeship where they're paid an living wage to learn, and then the company pays for their college education.


Now, apprenticeship is a forcing function for B V E S S H. You have a constraint. Apprentices in my team need to push production within two weeks. To do that, you need a positive behavior. They can build a rental system on day one. I heard one company in Slack save $5.3 million by doing this. They also need preventing mistakes. We have C I C D platforms, automated test security and compliance checks. Topo. Jason, could you give a talk on this or something? Alright, so then they, we need to find good mentors. Where did I find Juan? He was a ride operator at Six Flags. He was also a member of Project Athena. He stopped working on his projects in the middle of the week so he could teach others and help them succeed. He was knowledgeable. He wanted everybody to seed, and he had the heart of a teacher.


That's also a good leader. Good mentors are your future leaders. You need these people. Alright? You don't find talent. It's not resume. Bingo. You look for character. People who have a can listen, they can empathize. They care about the quality of their crabby party and their customers. And I have three amazing apprentices. Raven, a store manager whose work ethic made her improve tremendously over her apprenticeship. Martine, a counselor camp for kids with disabilities, has taught our other programmers how to improve the accessibility of our sites. And Amanda has automated to weigh a toil, not just for us, but for other teams. These are apprentices who never coded a year ago. Okay? But what do we teach them? We teach them the scientific method. We teach them to create hypotheses, to run experiments. Learn from them. Rinse, repeat. Okay? But we need feedback loops that focus on learnings.


If they learn something, the actions will follow, right? And we actually do feedback. I do it every day. I do it after meetings. Regular feedback. They need to learn to communicate. And I talk about demos with working code. Talk code to me, baby. Okay? So, but we also need them to talk in ubiquitous language. The kind that business understands. They, they can empathize, they can listen. Empathize. They can go work at Disney. Okay? So now they, if you, you have crappy auto documentation, give it to the apprentices. Let 'em make it, fix it. Not only will you have better auto documentation, the scar tissue from doing this, they'll be committed to running good documentation, updating it and then automating away the toil. They need to learn to ask good questions. Like what's preventing you from deploying to production right now? Do not let Brian near the apprentices.


We don't wanna scare them. Psychological safety is important, okay? They need to practice more and suck less. They should be coding every day. Mob programming. Pair programming with experts. What the heck is my time? I can't tell. Okay? We need to teach them to go meta. No, not that company. I don't want them to teach clickbait, collect a bunch of data, and then use it just to make money. I mean, hey, what could go wrong? No. We want them to think about thinking, think about how they think about problems. To think about loud and reflect on that. We wanna test all things in a safe way. We test debug and refactor their code. They should also test debug and refactor their mental models. Okay? We wanna channel our inner spear, right? See a problem, solve a problem. Share what you learn. You wanna teach them that.


I asked to be corrected. It took one person six months to tell me something I said was stupid. I said, thank you. They've been telling me I'm stupid ever since. They're right. Okay, we wanna learn from the history of powerful ideas. No, I don't expect them to read, write, or center the fifth discipline. But we can plant seeds from the ideas, from theories of constraints, from systems thinking that eventually may grow. They're viruses we send off into the world. There's a couple of them there. We get more and we've got a bunch. We we send 'em to other parts of New York. The.