Las Vegas 2022

Lightning Talk: Developer's Dream of Software Delivery

Fun, thought-provoking, emotionally resonating talks presented by members of the DevOps community.

Hosted by Topo Pal and Jason Cox.

Presented by Sleuth


Raghavendra Vema

Software Engineering Principal, Fannie Mae





Hello everyone. Hi. I'm here to speak about developer experience and wait, wait a minute. Why am I here? I'm like, this is a lightning talk, right? Okay, let me see how much I can talk about developer experience. There's so many talks around what's already done, and here's my condensed form and long and short of it, let me start with a small story of a fictitious, uh, developer. Let's call him maybe John Apple seat, the common name everybody knows. All right, so John Appleseed, uh, joins an, uh, company, which is highly regulated, and then they're tech savvy. They're on cloud and you know, they promote a lot of, uh, good usage of technology and all that stuff. And he's tasked with, uh, creating microservices. So what he says is, with lot of energy and lot of exuberance, he says, okay, let's do it. And then he says, okay, M is, I mean, piece of cake, right?


Like, I'm just going to build, I'm going to reply, I'm done. I'm going to put it in production. Is that, so let's find out. And he basically, it speaks with his teammates and he finds out, oh my gosh, that's not as easy as you think of. Okay, there's going to be like a review process, then I gotta build my software. Then I have to go through like, you know, all my scans and then fine, I have to go something called change management. Okay, that's good. And then like, okay, finally that makes me into production. Alright, so he finally goes and then starts with all the, uh, reviews. And that's when he realizes, oh my god, how many job hurdles I have to go through. I need to hop up. And he finds there like any number of places where he needs to onboard. Oh my goodness, there has to be like, you know, all he goes to like numerous meetings, like, you know, one after the other, like teams after teams.


And then finally he gets all the approvals and he's ready to build software. Okay, I've got my asset registered in my C M D V. Okay. Alright, let me get started. Alright, so he is now, he has this repository already, but is he ready to build software yet? Probably not. There's like nothing. Okay, where do I start? That's what he does. And then he looks around, he goes on different, uh, GitHub repositories, all the, um, knowledge basis in the company and he finds out what the heck is happening here? I do, I need to reinvent the wheel and looks like people over here likes coffee and face. Okay, ly he smiles and then, okay, let me get started. And then that's how he does. And finally he been like, you know, back of his thought on coming back to reality, he thinks, okay, this should probably be some kind of like a developer portal because how many kinds of microservices are going to be there and there should be some kind of a blueprint for which I can probably reuse at different places.


So he really wishes, okay, I wish there was like a developer portal, and which kind of tells me what's already out there. I mean, you know, people would've already solved some problems and I could easily find what's the inventory of that. And then also there's some, there should be some kind of like a scaffolding thing. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, like no copy paste, no creation of boiler plate code, right? So, and also there should be an opportunity to collaborate and within and reuse. So kind of inner sourcing capable. Alright? So after all this, he finishes his, uh, build, he does all that, and he commits his code into, you know, his repository. Now he thinks, okay, that's, I'm done, let me get started. And apparently this company looks, seems to have like a good, um, C I C D process, which means, you know, once you're done with your commit to your repository, you have some kind of an automated process to kind of build a release, uh, candidate, which, and it has all the gates and, you know, security, uh, stuff built in the pipeline.


So he thinks, okay, I'm done. I'm getting started. Okay, let, I'm done. I kicked off my job. Okay, let me relax. Okay, that's not true. And he runs into a lot of, you know, main problems and then looks like, okay, fine. And he has that like, you know, how did I miss this, uh, issues, you know, it breaks and how do I miss it? So really he thinks like there should be a better way of it. And again, like, you know, maybe there's some magic in my ID which caught this or like, you know, something that's built on the repository to do it. It's come on 2022. All these scanning tools have repository, I mean like integrations with the repository. And then finally the code is done and he goes, okay, oh, now I'm ready for production. I have all the evidences I've done. Okay, that's not true. Change management is here. And then he goes into the change management meeting, he gives all the evidence and says, Hey, where's your monitoring? I said like, what the heck, I've not done my monitoring. And then finally he says he does it and then somehow he gets a code into production. Alright? Then he starts thinking there should be a better.