Day 3 Lightning Talks

Enjoy our final round of lightning talks featuring James Wickett and John Willis.

Join us to reflect on learnings from the day and enjoy lightning talks - amazing content and entertainment in five minute presentations.


Damon Edwards

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, Rundeck


John Willis

Senior Director, Global Transformation Office, Red Hat



John it's day three. How's it going?


Yeah. Great, great conference. Right.


I feel like we're in the home stretch here. Um, so if you all enjoyed the show thus far, uh, as I said, John and I are reprising our, uh, our, uh, people tell us is quite popular DevOps cafe podcast. So if you go to DevOps,, you can sign up for notifications about the next, uh, the next, um, series. And I'm sure you'll see a lot of these, uh, DevOps enterprise, summit speakers going in depth with us. So, uh, John, our last pair of whitening talks, who we got lined up today.


Oh, you got the, uh, the, the great teams, wicked a Creek. You remember just all around, uh, dev ops, uh, Austin dev ops runs the us and dev ops program down there. And, uh, this particular character, I don't know, I don't know much about this guy, but we'll see how it goes.


Gotcha. Who busted? I don't know what that guy is, but you know what? We'll give anybody a chance. So, uh, hopefully he, uh, he comes through it.


See how it goes.


Here's the last pair. And, uh, thank you all very much for watching all of our lightning talks. Thank you.


Bye-bye everybody.


The lessons we learn in complex systems today are not too far removed from the lessons that we can learn in the past. And my hope is that in this brief talk, we uncover four lessons of chaos. Hi, my name is James Wickett. I'm the head of research over at Verica. I'm an instructor at LinkedIn learning and an organizer at dev ops days, Austin and DevSecOps days, Austin Verica, where I work, we're building chaos engineering and continuous verification tools that are built out of our experiences at places like Netflix and other large enterprises. Well, let me tell you about the 1890s and this fast-growing cutting edge technology company, the Missouri, Kansas, Texas railway pronounced the KT. The railway had a lock on transportation in the region, but they needed more sales. Well, inter William crush, he was a ticket sales agent and a member of the digital transformation team.


I'm sure crush had this idea on how to get more people to ride the train. Simply create an event where everybody wanted to go to well train demolition events where you crashed two trains together had started to pop up around the country, but they weren't exactly successful. Yet. Crushes idea was to make the event free. Just make it in a spot where you had to buy a train ticket to get to it. Well, turns out it was a success crush, crushed it. If you will, sorry for the pun. This freemium model worked and really the ticket sales started to soar. In fact, they sold 40,000, 40,000 people showed up for the event. They had to build a town for a day called crushed Texas. It was on the outskirts of Waco where the Hills make a natural amphitheater. The town had 200 law officers a jail, uh, let's see, crushed built water Wells.


There was entertainment while waiting. Uh, there was a midway. Everybody showed up well because of this crush also started unlocking Google ad words back in 1890s and sold advertisements on the side of the trains. And here's a, here's a photo op that they took of the trains before the big crash. Well, one major problem of all of this was it that boilers on trains of the day were just randomly explode. Here's a picture from the 1850s of, of a train that did just that while just in normal operations, much less crashing them together. Crush was concerned. He laid extra track. He kept the crowds back. He did took every precaution. Well, the day and the time came and the rumble of the two trains started faint and far off at first, but growing near and much more distinct with each fleeting. Second, it was like the gathering force of a cyclone said people watching the trains collided at a combined speed of 90 to 120 miles an hour.


And this incredible picture captures the moment of impact. I mean, think about the physics going on in this exact moment, but you might've guessed that there was an unmitigated vulnerability in the system, the boilers, they had been certified to meet PCI compliance. Oh, wait, that's a, that's a wrong talk. Uh, uh, they were validated by engineers through VR visual inspection, but unlike our software systems, they cannot really be verified. There was no experimentation or verification. And approximately one second after impact, both boilers exploded, steam iron would fill the sky. People compared it to battlefield experiences. As you might've guessed, there was a lot of sustained injuries throughout the crowd. Four people died. And even after the event, people swarmed the explosion to get a souvenir or a memento that added more injuries due to the burns. So what do we learn from this story? Well, one is that breaking things in production sounds good, but it isn't.


Sometimes we do learn from production, but it's much better to learn about how our systems will fail much earlier before production. The next thing we learned is investigation can't stop it. Human error and crush was immediately fired after this happened. But a few days later, the KT realized that he had taken all necessary precautions and the accident wasn't limited to just his fault, our modern day profits, like all spa and Decker would be proud. Another learning here is that we need to know our systems, safety margin. All of our systems have a breaking point. We need to know when we're close to that boundary. The last thing that we can learn here is that verification beats validation. Every time this means actually experimenting with what we have and verifying it versus just validating and configuration or passing audit, or, you know, somehow visually inspecting something. So those are my four lessons learned, breaking things in production. Sounds great, but isn't investigation. Can't stop it. Human air, no, your system safety margins and verification beats validation. Every time if you like this story, uh, or you're more interested in chaos engineering, I would like to send you a free copy of this book that Casey Rosenthal and Nora Jones just wrote simply go to, and we'll get that taken care of for you. Hope you have a good day. Thanks.


Hello. I'm John Willis. This is called Deming, the dev ops, a very short history. I've been obsessed with Deming for only back to 2012 that were upstairs. We had an open spaces where Ben Rockwood suggested that everything went back to Deming and I've been sort of obsessed with that. Ever since last October, I went to work for red hat with Andrew Clay Shafer, Kevin Behr, Jay bloom, like Andrew's likes to say is we wrote some books on, but we really are looking at transformation over the next 10 years to see how we can apply this. There's a head fake here that it really goes back to Darwin. That Deming, the Starlin really is puts a stake in the ground in the heart of determinism versus non-determinism species really sets the stage for 19th century thinking. And then literally Boltzmann is actually is interested in Darren's work. Biology suite such apply it to properties and gases because the father is statistical mechanics, statistics and physics now are melded.


And then Lou max Planck then takes the work from Boltzmann, any sort of accidentally discovers quantum physics. He helps to measure the unmeasurable, right? Something called the plaque length of the Planck constant. And then you have Albert Einstein who uses point constant to solve a problem. Nine Stein wins a Nobel prize for photoelectric effect. Quantum physics is a foot. The 19th century has this non-determinism non-exec, but not exact, but probably a thinking. And then at the same time, there's a gentleman over at Western electric, who was worried about the quality of manufacturing of phones. He applies a statistics to manufacturing non-determinism way to create. He basically becomes the father of operations management. And then we have our protagonist. Dr. Demi Demi is, is sort of a study or a student of shirt. And he promotes you its ideas. You know, Demi has a long story about going to, uh, becoming really the Shakespeare quality in Japan, long story.


And one of those people towards Ono is indirectly comes from what we say influenced by Deming's work. That is the founder of Toyota production system, which we know becomes lean interesting enough that just in time was actually discovered at a Piggly wiggly by China. And then we have Elliot rat for those, you know, the Phoenix project is a modern day rewrite of the goal. This is the theory of constraints, a bottlenecks and heavily influences, certainly the Phoenix project and everything that's coming. It of nation, of course, DAS. And then we have John, which is, he actually is the one who coined the term Lee. His first job was actually a Numi, the GM and Toyota joint venture. And he's actually now the CEO of Google self-driving car project. And then we come back to Demi again, because actually Deming in starting about 83, writes a book called outer crisis is 14 points.


And over a 10 year run into the second book who do economics. He has this major influence in America thinking quality. And then I can't stress enough, the importance of Mary and Tom Papa next lean software development. They're the first people to apply lean manufacturing to a software. And I think in a lot of ways, it's, it's the Genesis of sort of lean it agile. And then David J. Anderson also his reading the goal on a plane ride, he's managing a large development team and he comes up with this idea for Kanban, for software based on reading the goal it's in one of his books and his stories there. So again, that's really, really interesting. And, and this is another incredible thing. 2006, Jess humble, Chris Reed and Dan north are sewing at an annual conference, 2006, a pipeline, right? It's five years later before people even start getting on the radar 10 years before it's table stakes.


Right. It's just amazing. And then of course we have the godfather in 2008, him and Andrew Shafer have a conversation about agile. I get invited in 2009 by Patrick to be the only American first dev ops days. He coined the term, he's been an excellent guardian adviser. And then we have ever creased Eric B seen interesting enough is working in silicone valley on a startup. He writes a blog, eventually becomes lean startup book. Um, and in the book he actually does attribute to Deming and, and a lot of advisory for a lot of the startups in Silicon valley. And then of course, John I'll spar, it would be a risk not to mention his 2009 Riley, 10 deploys a day at flicker. I was there. I remember repeat. It seemed like people were like, you can't do this. That's impossible. You can't. And then of course seeing Kim, right gene Kim, um, we CA the Phoenix project has been a stake in the ground for enterprise and dev ops. Everything we have here, dos, uh, his leadership and his tenacity to create what we have now. It's just been incredible. And then ending up with Nicole. I mean, Nicole has done an incredible job, putting the science behind dev ops, the first dev ops Shingo award winner, her work with Dora the book Xcelerate and then, and then, uh, academically peered review of dev ops.


Hey, not a surprise. Another great set of keynote talks to get us started for day three of the DevOps enterprise summit. We're heading into the break. So just a few things to know before you go. The breakout talks are starting at 11:20 AM. London time. We have the networking time and the networking opportunities starting at 2:50 PM. London time. Remember we've got birds of a feather and chat roulette, no lean coffee today. And then we're back here for the keynote talks again at 4:30 PM, London time. This is your last opportunity to engage with our sponsors in the virtual expo hall. Go talk to them and find out how they can help you on your dev ops journey. This is also the last opportunity to play the games they're fun, and you can win stuff. So with that, have fun, learn lots. And we'll see you back here a little later in the day,